Preserved green Pittosporino



Preserved green Pittosporino

Warning: This plant should be purchased specifically for its leaves, not its branches. Once preserved, the leaves of this plant tend to fall off quickly. However, we continue to offer it due to the great beauty and durability of its leaves, which retain their shine for a long time. It is ideal to combine them, for example, with preserved moss. Please keep this information in mind when purchasing preserved Pittosporino in any of its varieties.

1 bunch, 5 stems approx., 20″ long

The versatility of Preserved Pittosporino allows for a variety of decorative uses. From wall moss decoration to creating centerpieces. Each preserved leaf is unique and adds a special touch.

La versatilidad del Pittosporino preservado verde, permite una variedad de usos decorativos. Desde la decoración de cuadros de musgo, hasta la creación de centros de mesa. Cada hoja preservada es única y agrega un toque especial.


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Preserved green Pittosporino

1 bunch, 5 stems approx., 20″ long

Discover the timeless beauty of Preserved green Pittosporino. Its green leaves, preserved with care, are impressive. Native to warm climates, this evergreen shrub is known for its lush foliage.

Preserved leaves add a touch of freshness and life to any space. Additionally, they are a durable and maintenance-free option. Perfect for decorating interiors with a touch of nature.

Furthermore, the preserved leaves retain their original color and shape. No worries about wilting or needing water. The exuberance of Pittosporino is ideal for creating botanical compositions.

Incorporate the natural beauty of nature into your home. Transform your spaces with the freshness and vitality of preserved greenery. Whether in moss paintings or floral arrangements, the effect is captivating.

The versatility of Preserved Pittosporino allows for a variety of decorative uses. From wall moss decoration to creating centerpieces. Each preserved leaf is unique and adds a special touch.

Additionally, preserving leaves promotes sustainability and reduces waste. It is a conscious and respectful way to decorate with natural elements. In short, Preserved green Pittosporino offers a charming and long-lasting way to beautify any space.

Its freshness and vitality are eternal in moss paintings and beyond. Enjoy nature at home without worries.

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