Preserved roses clay



Preserved roses clay

Preserved, box of 6 roses, LL+, clay 01

Working with these roses is practical and comfortable for florists and decorators. Its extended duration, freshness and fluffiness make it easy to create captivating arrangements. The Clay tone palette offers versatility and endless possibilities for designing timeless compositions.

Environmental convenience is a notable advantage of preserved flowers. Their longevity reduces the need for constant replacement, encouraging sustainable practices. Additionally, as they do not require water, they are ideal for projects where water management is essential.


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Preserved roses clay

Preserved, box of 6 roses, LL+, clay 01

Explore the singular elegance of Preserved Roses Clay from Roseamor, the outstanding Ecuadorian brand leader in floral preservation. These captivating flowers, subjected to a meticulous process, dazzle with their exceptional quality and vibrant clay hue.

A standout in the industry, Roseamor stands out for its dedication to excellence in flower conservation. Each Clay rose is a testament to their commitment to high-quality products.

Roseamor’s innovative preservation procedure ensures that these flowers maintain their freshness and original appearance for extended periods. This unique feature makes them the perfect choice for decorative projects seeking durability and long-lasting beauty.

Working with these roses is practical and comfortable for florists and decorators. Its extended duration, freshness and fluffiness make it easy to create captivating arrangements. The Clay tone palette offers versatility and endless possibilities for designing timeless compositions.

Environmental convenience is a notable advantage of preserved flowers. Their longevity reduces the need for constant replacement, encouraging sustainable practices. Additionally, as they do not require water, they are ideal for projects where water management is essential.

In short, Roseamor Roses are the perfect choice for those looking for quality, durability and practicality in floral preservation. Discover the timeless beauty of these flowers and create captivating projects while contributing to environmentally friendly practices.

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