Bucket with 10 bouquets



Bucket with 10 bouquets

10 dry flowers bouquets

This folding cardboard cube, with 10 colorful dried bouquet bags, is perfect for various establishments. Due to its versatility, it is ideal for selling in decoration stores, clothing stores, florists and more. Thanks to its foldable design, it is easy to transport and display in any sales space. As a private customer you can buy it as a gift for your guests, for example at a wedding.

Este cubo de cartón plegable, con 10 bolsas de ramo seco de colores, es perfecto para diversos establecimientos. Por su versatilidad, es ideal para vender en tiendas de decoración, tiendas de ropa, floristerías y más. Gracias a su diseño plegable, es fácil de transportar y exhibir en cualquier espacio de venta. Tambien como particular puedes comprarlo para regalar por ejemplo entre las invitadas de una boda.

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Bucket with 10 bouquets

Of course, here is the extended version:

This folding cardboard cube, with 10 colorful dried bouquet bags, is perfect for various establishments. Due to its versatility, it is ideal for selling in decoration stores, clothing stores, florists and more. Thanks to its foldable design, it is easy to transport and display in any sales space. In addition, its resistant structure guarantees the safety of the products inside.

The 10 dried bouquet bags add a touch of color and nature to any environment. With vibrant and varied shades, they are attractive to customers. Its presentation in a cardboard cube is sustainable and eco-friendly, attracting consumers concerned about the environment. Likewise, it is an economical option for businesses.

Bucket with 10 bouquets can be used as a decorative element in homes, offices or special events, offering multiple decoration and customization possibilities. The foldable design saves storage space for both retailers and end customers as it can be easily stored away when not in use.

With the option of 10 colorful dried bouquet bags, customers have a wide variety to choose from based on their preferences and decorating needs. High-quality materials ensure the durability and freshness of dried bouquets, allowing customers to enjoy their beauty for a long time.

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